
Companies are hiring, Have you done your job interview preparation?

“Survey shows companies in Indian cities plan to hire freshers between February and April ” ET online 24th February 2021   Indicators of increased hiring activity The business activity has restarted, the economy is out of recession, the share market has crossed 50k milestone, the sentiment is upbeat and the vaccine drive is on.  The rural economy has been robust and […]


How to impress in a sales job interview

‘Sales’ is the revenue-generating function of an organization; the current and future revenues depend upon the quality of sales operations. It is the marketplace-facing function representing the organization at the marketplace. It’s about execution in the marketplace for all the inputs from marketing, product development, purchase, human resources, etc. Finding the right candidate for a sales job is always a […]


Types of job interview questions

Interview questions have their genesis in the job analysis. The questions are based upon the specific job requirements and upon job behaviors that are essential for high performance. That is the reason each interview is different. The questions are designed to evaluate candidates on performing specific jobs, their challenges, their goals, and on handling complex situations. There are many types […]


How to manage Phone Interviews

Purpose of the phone interview Phone interviews may be used for the initial screening of the candidates. This is an efficient way of initial screening and filtering out of the candidates. It’s no use wasting time and resources on calling and spending time with the candidates who are not qualified for the job. It minimizes expenses and saves time and […]


Interview question: What will you do in the first 3 months of joining?

This is also a very interesting interview question to evaluate the candidate’s understanding of the job role, its tasks, and about candidate’s approach. Impress the interviewer To answer this question, a candidate has to know about the organization, its structure, and the job role in detail. The interviewer knows that you will be able to answer such interview questions only […]


Interview preparation: What Quality Mckinsey looks in the candidates for jobs

Evaluation of the candidate for a job: Each organization looks for job fit and organizational fit by evaluating the behavioral and technical competencies of the candidates. The interview questions are framed in a manner to evaluate candidates on these qualities. The candidates who do the job interview preparation learn about these and prepare for interviews. For example, Mckinsey has mentioned on their […]


3 key Attributes, Chairman RPG Group looks for

While recruiting, companies evaluate candidates by asking job interview questions based upon the qualities and competencies they seek in the candidates. In a tweet, Mr. Harsh Goenka mentioned the following three qualities which he looks for in candidates. Attitude and Passion “Attitude arises from basic philosophy towards life. Right attitude means a commitment to work. Passion keeps you going at […]


What does Elon Musk look for in interview candidates?

SpaceX career page reads “SpaceX is looking for world-class talent ready to tackle challenging projects that will ultimately enable life on other planets”. When you have a mission to make humans multi-planetary species, you need a team of individuals with extraordinary competencies. An article published on Mon, Jun 11 2018 on CNBC website by Zameena Melia mentions SpaceX VP of […]
