
Priya can fly: An inspiring story

Priya belongs to a small village in Haryana. Her father is a farmer. Like many other girls, Priya has big aspirations, she wants to make it big in the corporate world. She convinced her father to continue her education and is in the final semester of her MBA. Like all other students, she too is charged up and looking forward to starting her career and fulfilling her father’s dreams.

Campus job interviews had begun in her institute and only 20 percent of the candidates had managed offer letters till then. She too had appeared for the job interview of some good organisations but wondered why she could not get selected.

She came to know from her placement coordinator’s mail that another company would be coming for the campus interview. Priya, a smart and confident girl, wanted this job desperately. She decided to take a different approach, put in extra effort, and contacted Dr Pankaj Rawal from ‘Impactful Interviews’ for her interview preparation mentorship.

The organisation that was coming for the campus recruitment was a research organization. She had strong competition from her fellow students. To know about her current interview preparation status, Dr Pankaj Rawal took Priya’s Mock interview. Though she appeared confident but was unable to give satisfactory answers to many interview questions. She had checked about the organisation on their website too but could not use the information to her advantage. She couldn’t give a convincing answer of why she thought she was suitable for the job. She did not realize the impact of using powerful words in her responses and could not describe her internship in a manner that could push her candidature forward.

 Dr Rawal suggested she go through JD again and note down competencies required and tasks to be performed. He went through the site along with her and taught her to note relevant details. Based upon the organisation, he suggested improvements for her introduction, recommended changes in her answers, improved her answer about the internship and recommended her the approach she should take during the interview. He also trained her on the question ‘How will you bring new business?” “Why do you think you are most suitable for the job”? Priya felt more confident.

On the interview day, she entered the room confidently, smilingly wished the panel while making eye contact. On asking “Tell me about yourself”, she could fluently introduce herself, deliberately leaving cues for the interviewers to ask future interview questions. Many questions were common interview questions, which she could answer confidently. There were a few different interview questions too which she had not practiced, but she was well prepared and knew what approach to take. She nailed the interview when the interviewer asked how she would grow the business? At the end of her interview, the interviewer complimented her for her great performance and told her that he has met very few candidates who could perform so well. An offer letter was handed over to her that evening. Priya came running out of the hall and felt that she could fly…

Priya immediately called Dr Rawal and shared her success and interview experience. Dr Rawal felt contended and was very happy that evening. Nothing brings more joy and satisfaction to him than the success of a job interview preparation student. He felt the excitement of starting a new job and getting into a new phase of life.

Dr Rawal would be very much interested to help you achieve success in your job interviews and get a job. Please check the below-mentioned site to learn about programs.

You may contact at 8708242257 or write to support@impactfulinterviews.com

Check out the site https://www.impactfulinterviews.com

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