
Interview Question: Why do you want to work here?

It is one of the common interview questions asked by the interviewer. The interview question is asked to understand the seriousness of the candidate about joining the organization. The interviewer is interested to know if the organization is one of the many which candidate may be applying just for the sake of getting a new job or the candidate has […]


Priya can fly: An inspiring story

Priya belongs to a small village in Haryana. Her father is a farmer. Like many other girls, Priya has big aspirations, she wants to make it big in the corporate world. She convinced her father to continue her education and is in the final semester of her MBA. Like all other students, she too is charged up and looking forward […]


Unlock the Formula for Success in Job Interviews

Right Mentor Choose an experienced guide and mentor who has good professional experience to guide you through the job interview preparation. Do not trust freshers just out of the college playing the part of mentors by acquiring google knowledge. Great Preparation Although it’s cliche, Hard work is the key. You need to work hard by looking at various aspects. Job […]


I have one year gap in my academics, can I mention it during my interview or can it spoil my impression?

originally answered in Quora: https://www.quora.com/I-have-one-year-gap-of-my-entire-academic-career-can-I-mention-it-during-my-interview-or-can-it-spoil-my-impression I won’t suggest deliberately bringing it into the discussion by you unless it’s a strategy to score positive points. If the interviewers ask ( which they may, chances are high), be well prepared to answer the same. Display confidence, do not be apologetic about it. Be enthusiastic and honest. Explain the circumstances honestly and then […]


How do you answer “Why should we hire you with no experience” during an interview for your first job?

Originally answered in Quora at: https://qr.ae/pGDcpm The organizations are clear whether they are hiring freshers or want experienced professionals. If they see some potential in you, only then you would get an interview call. The situation you have described may come if the organization wants an experienced professional, but you, with no experience, somehow reached the interview stage. This suggests […]


Impactful Interviews-Personalized Support Programs

PSP Mock interviews: one Pre and one Post-coaching, Free Coupon for Udemy module ‘Impactful Interviews’ coaching program Impactful and enriching personal mentoring and counseling sessions ( at least one hour) Assessment of candidate’s current status, feedback on improvement areas High-Quality Mentorship & Support Highly effective, value for money, and is highly recommended. for more information, visit https://www.impactfulinterviews.com Price INR 2999/- […]
