
3 key Attributes, Chairman RPG Group looks for

While recruiting, companies evaluate candidates by asking job interview questions based upon the qualities and competencies they seek in the candidates. In a tweet, Mr. Harsh Goenka mentioned the following three qualities which he looks for in candidates. Attitude and Passion “Attitude arises from basic philosophy towards life. Right attitude means a commitment to work. Passion keeps you going at […]


What does Elon Musk look for in interview candidates?

SpaceX career page reads “SpaceX is looking for world-class talent ready to tackle challenging projects that will ultimately enable life on other planets”. When you have a mission to make humans multi-planetary species, you need a team of individuals with extraordinary competencies. An article published on Mon, Jun 11 2018 on CNBC website by Zameena Melia mentions SpaceX VP of […]
