
Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Returns and Refunds Policy. Thank you for taking services from www. impactful interviews.com

Non-tangible irrevocable goods (“Digital products”)

We do not issue refunds for non-tangible irrevocable goods (“digital products”) once the order is confirmed and the services/coaching is taken.

For courses purchased at UDEMY or similar other platforms, the refund policy of that platform will be applicable. The customer buying services/products from other platforms than this site is not eligible and authorized to raise any refund claim at this site or from the owners of this site.

The timeslots of mock interviews and interactions will be decided mutually by the customer and the coach. If for any reason, the customer is not available on the mutually decided timeslot for the mock interview/interaction, no further timeslot will be allocated in the liu of the missed appointment. No refund will be issued against the missed appointment.

Contact us for any issues:

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us:

– By email: mailcbs@yahoo.com
